Listening skills

by | Jan 16, 2013 | Sowing Seeds Of Faith | 0 comments


Snowy Pine

As I stepped out on to my deck this morning, I was greeted with the stillness of an overnight, northeast snowfall.  Everything around me was so still, yet it was difficult for me to enjoy.   There was a restlessness within me that made me feel as though there should be movement.  Not necessarily movement outside, but within me.

I’ve been struggling for months now with finding that peaceful, quiet, stillness.  My prayer life has become stale or rushed.  Now, I speak with God everyday and whisper blessings for my family all the time, but I mean intentional prayer.  That time set aside just for me and God; something I made time for years ago, but honestly, haven’t put much effort into lately.   There’s always an excuse that sounds good enough ~  I have to get dinner prepared for this evening before I go to work, there’s wash to do and emails to respond to, I need to exercise…list goes on and on.  I need to prioritize – I need to make changes.

So, this morning, I sat down, opened my bible and read a few passages before simply sitting.  Yep, just sat there.  I wasn’t really expecting to hear anything, or feel deeply moved.  I know before that can happen, I’ll need to learn the art of just being still…once again.

I found encouragement that I’m not alone in this journey as I read a recent post from one of my favorite blogs – Homestead Revival. Sometimes, we all need to clear out the clutter in our lives and our minds and simply learn how to be still and listen.

Be still


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