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Happy President’s Day! This famous line comes from one of our founding forefathers – George Washington. Not sure this is a motto our modern day candidates resonate with, but this post isn’t about politics, so let’s leave that one alone!
Winter 2014
I cannot tell a lie – I have been loving this very mild winter we’ve been having here in the Northeast. We enjoyed bright green grass right through the Christmas season and have seen very little accumulation here in the Hudson Valley. This past week we’ve had flurries every day, but nothing that has stopped life in its tracks the way it did last year.
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I know it is far too early for me to get out and play in the dirt, but I can’t help feeling the restlessness of waiting for Spring to get here. So, I did the next best thing. I looked up all the Flower and Garden Shows here in the Northeast.I spent some time enjoying photos on the site and looking at the lectures and vendors each one offers.
I have wanted to attend one of these events for years and this year it’s going to happen. Right now, I’ve made plans to attend the Capital District Flower and Garden Show. I can’t tell you how excited I am to spend a day (or two) gathering knowledge, ideas, and inspiration!
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I’d love to hear of others’ experience at one of these shows; tips, hints, suggestions, thought???
These are the top Garden Shows in the Northeast, according to the Times Union Blog:
•, February 17-20
•, February 24-27
• Rhode Island Flower and Garden Show, February 24-27
• Syracuse Flower and Garden Show, March 3-6
• The Flower and Patio Show (Central Massachusetts Flower Show), March 4-6
• Philadelphia International Flower Show, March 6-13
• Boston Flower and Garden Show, March 16-20
• Rochester Flower and Garden Show, March 17-20
• Capital District Flower and Garden Show, March 25-27