Pressing Pause

by | Nov 16, 2017 | Faith and Family | 0 comments

Does your life ever feel like the buttons on your media controls? Most times you are in fast forward, then as soon as things steady and you get into play mode the pause button gets pushed? Yeah, me too. Seems that is where God has me right now.

Just when I decided to make some life-changing steps to concentrate on writing, God hit the pause button and said “nope, not yet”. Blogging is done best when there is consistency and there have been far too many interruptions in my life to be consistent. It’s frustrating when you’re in the world of social media and watching others play their tune while yours is paused, but I’m learning to be patient in the waiting.

I don’t want this waiting period to be unfruitful, so I watch and listen. I watch the experiences He is putting in my path and I listen to their movement in my soul. Lessons learned, fears uncovered, pain exposed, joy found – the ingredients that will mold and shape what is to come. The notes are assembling waiting for the song to be written. When it’s time, God’s time, He will hit the play button once more and let me dance.


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