Media Monday – Justice vs. Mercy: What Are We Learning This Lent?

by | Mar 22, 2021 | Media Monday, Sowing Seeds Of Faith | 0 comments

Is Lent temporary for you, or are the acts of repentance, prayer, and fasting a means to change your life and your heart forever?

Today’s Media Monday is a re-share of a post I wrote a few years ago.  I thought it worthy of a second glance, especially in light of today’s Gospel about the woman caught in sin. Aware of her sinfulness and awaiting her judgment, Jesus enters in and refuses to condemn her but offers her forgiveness and a way to begin again.  If you take the time to finish this post, be sure to also check out THE POST that accompanied this one just a few days later, a reality check on justice vs. mercy.  Take time to place yourself in the space of the accused.  Feel the tender eyes of Jesus, looking into yours as he whispers “Woman, go, and from now on do not sin anymore.”  Don’t we all deserve that?

To change one’s heart to reflect the image of God is to give without expecting anything in return; to receive only the virtues that begin to develop within us and to view the world through the eyes of God.  We witness the world with a deeper understanding of others and make the world a more beautiful place, one person at a time. To be transformed by God’s love and mercy.

Before watching this video, ask yourself, as a Christian, how do you determine the greater good when you have a conflict between two ethical values like justice and mercy?  How is God changing your heart this Lent?

JUSTICE:  the quality of being fair; conformity to truth, fact, or reason.

MERCY:  compassion or forgiveness is shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.

Getting to the Root of Change and helping you LOVE the season of life you’re in.
I hope you enjoyed your visit here today.  If you did, please share your thoughts in the comments below. If you know someone who might enjoy it, would you consider sharing with them or on your social media accounts using the hashtag #gardenerstouch. 


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