by | Jul 12, 2021 | Media Monday, Sowing Seeds Of Faith | 0 comments

Im on the edge of fall apart
But somehow Your promises
Find my troubled heart

This week’s Media Monday from Leanna Crawford came over the radio the other night on my way home from the hospital. The day was long and hard and I was on the verge of a meltdown.

First, dear friends were going through a health crisis, then my dad called to tell me he was bringing my mom to the ER. Moments like these don’t always give you time to reason and remember the promises of God – we simply run on caffeine and adrenaline.

Torn between which parent needed me more and being present with their needs my emotions started to take control and it began to climax after a day with a difficult nursing staff. I didn’t feel in control at all. Then this song reminded me I didn’t have to.

God found my troubled heart and reached through the air waves to remind me that He was there. He was there not only for me but for my parents too. Their steadfast love and devotion to one another is a gift God gave to me. Their love is my firm foundation, His promise of hope and reminder that I have a truth to stand upon that cannot be shaken.


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