As the sun broke into the morning sky, she appeared and took my breath away. Her silhouette swayed in the morning light as the surf glistened behind her. I stopped and stared until she came into the full light of the morning sun. My throat tightened as I envied the freedom in her bones.
Her movements were gentle and smooth, swinging to the rhythm of the music within her as her feet moved seamlessly across the sand. My husband noticed my eyes locked upon her and said “perhaps she is sick and is savoring every last moment”.
I couldn’t help but ask myself “why, in this big beautiful world, do we wait for something devastating to happen before we take action”?
Perhaps she wasn’t sick. Perhaps in her many years, she has just learned the secret to living a full life; to savor every moment and shut out the noise and judgement of the world – those voices of negativity that say you’re too old, you look silly, you’re too slow, you’re not enough.
I’ve been waiting for this little robin’s egg cruiser for years. My family recently purchased it for my birthday and it made me cry. Working to improve my health these past few years, I was able to take back a little bit of my own freedom and follow a dream that, to others, may seem so meaningless. Hopping on this bike makes me feel like I’m 16 again hopping into the driver seat with my learners permit. I love the model name…DESTINY!
Its very definition tells us that we hold the power to our inner happiness – if only we tap into it. I choose to do just that.
This week I followed the lead of the lady on the beach. I rose early and collected seashells and sea glass, rode Destiny and kicked my legs up allowing the breath of God to brush across my face and jumped to my feet to dance with my love in the middle of a concert – eyes focused on what was right in front of me. I call that freedom – simply swaying to the music of life!