Feast Of Saint Mary Magdalene

by | Jul 22, 2021 | Sowing Seeds Of Faith | 0 comments

Gently, the stillness of the morning is broken as he calls YOUR name…….

You turn, and there he is…Jesus.

YOU are the first witness to his rising. Time stands still……..You see him……..and He…Sees….YOU.

As you gaze upon him, you’re drawn to his hands……….you look beyond the holes to find him holding the very darkness, the very brokenness you placed on the stone that held His body just hours before.

That darkness, that brokenness was never meant to stay buried.

Jesus came for you, to hold you, to carry you, to save you.

He wants you not only to believe in him,  but to experience and be held by him. 

The stone was rolled back so that we do not remain in the darkness but are filled with hope. Jesus chose to appear first to a woman, Mary Magdalene, and then commissioned her to “go and tell”.

Women are uniquely created to birth Hope. It is our calling to birth that hope through our vocations and our very presence in the world to the very people that we do life with.

Where is God calling us to birth Hope?

What does He want you to speak into the world?

Getting to the Root of Change and helping you LOVE the season of life you’re in.
I hope you enjoyed your visit here today.  If you did, please share your thoughts in the comments below. If you know someone who might enjoy it, would you consider sharing with them or on your social media accounts using the hashtag #gardenerstouch. 


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