MEDIA MONDAY |The Marriage Our Father

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Media Monday | 0 comments

What if the very thing that irritates you in your marriage is the very thing God wants to use for you to draw closer to Him? Understanding marriage as a sacrament should change the way we see one another, the way we pray with one another, and the way we grow in our relationship with the Father. What if this Valentine’s Day you could take one simple prayer and allow it to change our marriage forever.

The Our Father is probably the very first prayer we ever learn and the one that rolls off our tongue without much deep thought.  On a recent podcast, I heard Dr. Bob Schuchts, author of Be Healed, among many other books discussed a beautiful way in which to say the Our Father together for marriage.

This week’s Media Monday is a beautiful rendition of the Our Father by Bethel Music. Close your eyes and let the words simply flow over you and see them with new eyes.

Praying The OUR FATHER In Marriage

Our Father ~

Our common Father; we are brother and sister

Who art in heaven ~

we come together to worship You

Hallowed be thy name~

together, we recognize Your glory & majesty over us

May Thy kingdom come & Thy Will be done ~

in our marriage today, let Your kingdom be the rule of our marriage; our relationship together. Let Your Will be done in us.

Give us this day, our daily bread~

Give us today, the daily breads that we need; the patience, the provisions, the favor at work & all the cares of our hearts. Give us our daily needs.

Forgive us our trespasses ~

Forgive us our trespasses against one another

As we forgive those who trespass against us ~

As we forgive each other for their wrongs against us

Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil ~

Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from any evil that would keep us apart from one another

For YOURS is the Kingdom…

YOURS is the power….

YOURS is the glory….



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