ROOTED IN PRAYER | In Thanksgiving For Gardens

by | Jun 27, 2023 | Rooted In Prayer | 0 comments

God of grace, in the story of creation, you made the earth a garden and entrusted it to us to till and to keep, a place of peace and beauty where we could walk with you. In the story of redemption, the one who died for us was buried in a garden, and there you raised him up to greet us with new hope and risen life. In the story of the Church, you tend us as a garden, a place of careful pruning and abundant harvest, where we can work with you. Meet us, we pray in all the gardens where we go for nourishment, refreshment and prayer.

Bless the garden of your Church, O God. Guide those who plant and tend it. Protect the young, strengthen the flourishing, and make us fruitful in ministry and mission.

Bless the gardens of the world, the soil and rain and sunshine, and the work of all who sow and reap. Give abundant harvests, and teach us to share them with justice.

Bless the gardens of our community, the shelter of families, the fragrance of friendship. In all our care for one another, make us grow in wisdom and love, in gentleness, kindness and truth.

Give tender care to all who are struggling through weakness, sickness, grief or change. Show us, Your grace, at work in the times when growth is painful or when death is near.

Give eternal life to all whom you love, through Jesus Christ, the true vine.

Give us the grace to abide in Him as fruitful branches, and bring us at last with all your saints to resurrection life.


~The Anglican Church of Australia


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