This week was hard! It was one of those weeks that kicks you when you’re down and takes your breath away. The kind of weeks when you’re surrounded by people and you put on the mask of strength or the smile of faithful surrender and bury all the ugly you’re feeling. I didn’t handle it well. I was angry, frustrated, and exhausted……….oh so very exhausted. It was the kind of week where you shake your fists and ask “why”.
Disappointed in myself and my lack of faith, I walked around in a fog beating myself up. I prayed the prayers with a hollow heart and sank into the belief that “amazing grace is for everyone else”. When I couldn’t handle the bottling up any longer, I emptied my heart and disappointments to my friend, and her response hit home – “The enemy has you right where he wants you”. It was true.
And for all the prayers I’ve prayed
Kind by Cory Asbury
I still wonder if He’s real
And if He is how is He choosing
Who He does and doesn’t heal
I’m thankful for friends who speak Truth in moments like this. She empathized with the hard things I was facing but made sure to remind me that our God is so much bigger and that I had forgotten that. Sometimes I’m a little too polite with God. My friend’s wise words told me to pour my heart out to Him as I did to her. Tell Him what I need………and expect Him to show up and cover me with His kindness and love.
Not going to lie – it was a long week and my conversations with God look a little bit different, but I cling to that cross and I’m reminded that the darkest day in history was God’s gift of kindness and faithfulness for me.