Media Monday – Is Being Authentic A Hopeless Cause?

Some days I feel a battle raging inside as I hold my tongue for fear that I will say or do the wrong thing. I wonder if I’m being true to myself. Is this authenticity? I believe in the good work behind personal development and striving to become the best...

Media Monday – With God Nothing Is Ordinary

The starling is a common little bird that does common little things that often go unnoticed. The science behind this ordinary bird’s shift to extraordinary is the importance of staying focused on how they detect and respond to what is directly in front of them....

I’ve nothing to fear, lord, you make me brave!

As morning peeks through the crack in the curtains awakening me, my mind, like a skipped record, repeats the song verse ‘You make me brave’ over and over again. I rub my sleepy eyes and begin my day. A few hours later, I return to make my bed and open the...

Media Monday – I Can Just Be Me

Release! The moment I physically experience letting go of control and trusting that God has my life already worked out. This is the moment, I can just be me. Life has a way of keeping us so busy that somewhere along the way, we lose sight of who we are; whose we are....