Media Monday – With God Nothing Is Ordinary

The starling is a common little bird that does common little things that often go unnoticed. The science behind this ordinary bird’s shift to extraordinary is the importance of staying focused on how they detect and respond to what is directly in front of them....

Halleluia – Jesus Christ My Living Hope

Happy Easter to you and yours. I hope these 40 Days Of Lenten Affirmations has found its way into your very soul. The One who suffered and died for you has risen. He loves you and wants only good for you. Remember His story. Remember His promises. YOU are a beloved...
Lenten Affirmations – Day 40

Lenten Affirmations – Day 40

Psalm 18:6, 16-19 – Taken from The Message Bible A hostile world! I call to God,I cry to God to help me.From his palace he hears my call;my cry brings me right into his presence—a private audience! But me he caught—reached all the wayfrom sky to sea; he...
Lenten Affirmations – Day 39

Lenten Affirmations – Day 39

Psalm 139:13-16 – Taken from The Message Bible Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb.I thank you, High God – you’re breathtaking!Body and soul, I am marvelously made!I worship in adoration—what a...