Cinnamon Scented Baked Pears

Ingredients: 4 Medium Pears, ripe and juicy (check them by gently squeezing the neck to make sure they’re soft)3/4 tsp Cinnamon, ground (divided 1/2 tea for pears, 1/4 tea for ricotta)1 cup Ricotta Cheese1 tsp natural sugar (less if desired, or use 1 tsp...

Healthy Harvest Highlights – Brussel Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts are part of the cabbage family.  In the home garden, they are sweetest when picked after a stiff frost.  Their harvesting season, depending upon your area, is autumn through early spring. If you are lucky enough to find them fresh (preferably still on...

The Benefits of Eating in Season

In my previous Healthy Harvest post, I discussed the drive behind my efforts towards eating cleaner and healthier.  In an effort to make this move more manageable, I’ve added small, simple changes every couple of weeks.  One of those changes is increasing my...

Healthy Harvest Weekly Highlight

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner and February being National Heart Month, I thought it would be an appropriate time to add a weekly feature to this blog.  Introducing, the Healthy Harvest Weekly Highlight. I don’t claim to be a nutrition guru,...

Rewards of the Harvest

My garden has taken on many looks over the years.  It’s gone from a large garden with a great variety of vegetables, to a pile of weeds (they were the years of too much multi-tasking and not enough tending) to its present state of small and manageable for my...