Exercise Your Faith & Step Into Action

Exercise Your Faith & Step Into Action

How To Intentionally Add Comfort, Calm, and Connections To Your Summer Routine If planned correctly, empty nesting can look more like perpetual summer than the season of doom. One of the best parts of being in the empty nest season is that we can begin to live...

10 Ways To Love Your Adult Children Well

Navigating this new Empty Nest season can often be trial and error.  It takes a good amount of sitting back and observing what works and what doesn’t and a whole lot of leaning in to those brave life mentors who walked this road before you.  Here are a few...

Wait…Just A Little Bit Longer

I shared this post just about a year ago and know that there are some mom’s (and maybe a few dads)  out there whose hearts are in the same place as mine was. I thought it appropriate to share again.  I wish you peace in your new journey. Today marks...