What season are you in?

There is a proper flow to our lives that mirrors nature so beautifully.  It inspires and teaches us that we are deeply rooted in the seasonal rhythm that only a creative God could design.

When facing new seasons of life that feel unknown and unwelcomed, there’s often a sense of being uprooted or stunted in growth.  I’ve always loved the analogy of a gardener and how fitting the growing and dying seasons play out in our everyday lives. Each season of life, especially the hard and ordinary, are necessary to move through the next one.

 There’s always something changing in the garden and so it is with life.  My own personal growth, throughout the changing seasons of my life has been a lesson of trust and hope.

Seasons are cyclical. There’s both growth and stillness.  Transformation is a process and it’s all needed to survive and grow.  There needs to be a little digging, pruning, and watering along with some “Son-shine” to unearth that ground.  This stillness doesn’t have to be feared because when God waters those seeds, there is always growth.  His Word never comes back barren.

Now that you have an idea of where you are where would you like to go?

what do you need to get you there?