April 2, 2013 – that is the date of the last garden planning post I actually wrote regarding the changes to our backyard vegetable garden. For those of us who take our gardening seriously, have mercy on me, as you would understand how the act of gardening and actually writing about gardening don’t always go hand in hand. I am in awe of those of you who can do both successfully, especially those who are taking care of families, working, etc. I aspire to be like you!
Let me start with a little refresher for anyone who may have forgotten where I left off back in April of 2012. Below is a photo of the garden in 2012. I was working at the time and honestly, this was all I could really take care of. Gardening was more of a fun hobby that provided some tomatoes, peppers, a few squash and some herbs. The raised beds were falling apart and the layout no longer worked. Our plan to expand the garden came when I knew that I would have more time to devote to a “backyard, sustainable garden”; one that would provide us with more vegetables to can and freeze and last throughout the winter months.
There was still plenty of room to expand our space and almost double the size of our existing garden.
In early April of 2013, my husband began to till the space. It took us the entire day, with him tilling and me raking and sifting the soil, but it was a worthwhile project.
I continued to work on the space for a few more weeks to really clean it up and the day finally came where my husband added the new fencing. Our backyard borders a horse farm on one side and a wooded area to the other so fencing was necessary to keep out all the wildlife in the area.
Our next step was to rip out all of the old raised beds and redefine the space. Part of the old wooden fence surrounding the garden was taken out to access the new addition. I kept one section of the split-rail fencing so I could place sprawling plants such as squash or beans to grow along it. Once again, my husband came to my rescue and built me two new, and larger, raised beds to work out of.
The new beds were completed in late May and we decided to hold off on any new projects in the garden. We knew this was going to be a work in progress to get it to where I wanted it AND it was time to plant my garden. So I made my list, went shopping and made plans to work on what I could throughout the growing season.
I’ll share both my 2013 and 2014 garden updates in another post. I promise, it won’t be another year.